FAQs for agencies

Frequently asked questions

Explore our FAQs below to learn more about how Moretalk can help.

  • What is the role of the Moretalk team?

    We partner with agencies and businesses to ensure the environment is accessible to all when it comes to communication at all levels. This may be helping others ensure the use of plain language, using visual supports or adapting the environment and scheduling when to take breaks to ensure information is being understood.

  • How can you make a referral for Communication Assistance for working with an individual client?

    An organisation can contact Moretalk and once we have some information regarding your setting and requirements, we allocate the appropriate CA according to location, availability and CA skill set.

    Once you have sought appropriate consent from your client, a communication assessment will be completed with the client to ascertain their communication needs and what others need to do to change the environment.

  • What does the assessment process involve?

    Once we receive a referral, a Communication Assistant conducts a specialised assessment of the person’s speech, language, and communication skills. This brief but detailed assessment evaluates attention, concentration, listening, understanding, and expressive abilities to identify needed assistance. A report is then provided to the agency so that the team supporting the person can use the targeted strategies. It can be decided at this time if the CA is needed to sit alongside the individual at any further meetings.

  • Can Moretalk help our agency make our environment more accessible?

    Yes, we can assist your agency in creating communication-accessible environments. This includes assessing your current setup and working collaboratively with you in providing recommendations for improvements to ensure everyone can communicate effectively.

  • How do we make our communication more accessible?

    We offer training and workshops on using Plain Language, simplifying complex terms, and structuring information clearly. This helps ensure that your communication is easily understood by everyone, including those with communication challenges and neurodiversity.

  • What are Easy Read documents?

    Easy Read documents present information in a clear, concise, and straightforward manner using simple language and visual aids (icons and diagrams). They are designed to be easily understood by people with learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, or those who have difficulty with complex text.

  • How does the Plain Language Act impact us?

    The Plain Language Act requires that all official documents and communications be written in clear and simple language. This ensures that information is accessible to everyone, improving understanding and reducing confusion. We can help your agency comply with this act through training and consultation.

  • Can you provide training for our staff?

    Yes, we offer training sessions and workshops for your staff on various topics, including Plain Language, Easy-Read documentation and creating communication-accessible environments. Our training helps your team communicate more effectively with clients and participants. This training can be bespoke to your specific needs.

  • What other services do you offer for agencies?

    We provide a range of services, including assessments of your communication practices, development of accessible materials, and ongoing support to ensure your communication remains clear and effective. We also offer training for teams or individuals – download a referral form here.

Moretalk news

MOJ releases framework for communication assistance

Ministry of Justice releases new framework for communication assistance service geared towards court participants.

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Resources to support awareness weeks

Moretalk sponsors resources released during Māori Language Week and Speech Language Therapy Awareness Week.

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